Welcome to the Red Hot IAL Tent Sale on the Berkshire Mall in Chattanooga TN. Here you will find deals on artworks never before imagined, Originals by famous crazy bird artist Curt Ribando and his “winged out” apprentices.

The availability of precious visual art has become increasingly accessible in recent years. With the rise of digital platforms and online galleries, art enthusiasts can now discover and appreciate a vast array of exquisite pieces from the comfort of their own homes. Not only can one explore and admire renowned masterpieces from renowned artists, but emerging talents have also found a platform to showcase their work to a wider audience. Furthermore, the advent of virtual reality technology has enabled art lovers to immerse themselves in virtual exhibitions, offering a unique and interactive experience. Overall, the accessibility of precious visual art has brought the beauty of artistic expression closer to individuals worldwide, fostering a greater appreciation and understanding of the artistic realm.

To get to contact@illinoisartleague.com go to my picture icon in gmail and and change cprib492@gmail.com to contact…

Then move whatever it is that is addressed to me to “Curt”

Learn More

To Add an artist to the Artists on Display Page:

Create and set up a Page for that artist.

- Create a BLANK page
- Add a new section (blank
- Edit Section - Colors - Choose Liightest 1 (click off)
- Add blocks for Text (name and artist statement), & Image (for artist statement)

Paste in the following :

  • Artist name [Heading 3]

  • Artist statement [Heading 4]

  • Artist photo

    Add a new section below.

  • In sections, scroll down and choose the IMAGES template under sections

  • From the choice on the right, Choose the Gallery Template (one with 6 pics)

  • Edit the GALLERY, remove the sample pics and add artists pics

  • Save & Exit

Go to the Artist on Display page - EDIT


Click + symbol at top, Upload ONE of the artsts 6 images to be the front door to their page.

  • Drag the image to the position it belongs

  • Click once on it to focus cursor

  • Add artists name and Slug click page on left, then in section on right start typing their name and select from list and SAVE

  • Ensure it is positioned correctly

  • Close the window

Disabling a page-long section, such as an event: